7 Traditional Marketing Techniques to Consider

traditional marketing techniques


With such an intense focus on digital marketing initiatives these days, business owners can overlook the fact that there are actual, physical places to interact with the buying public. Now that spring is here and summer is on the way, it’s a good time to rediscover the possibilities of “street marketing.” Here are seven traditional marketing techniques to consider:

1. Set-Up a Booth at an Outdoor Festival or Public Event

Give out product samples or brochures to inform potential customers about your company. You might also hand out small souvenirs, such as key chains, pens or magnets with your contact info.

2. Dispatch Employees into a Crowd or Neighborhood

Have staff members walk around outdoor events or busy areas with samples or brochures. Just be sure to train them to be friendly and non-confrontational. If appropriate, employees might wear distinctive clothing or even costumes or sandwich boards to draw attention.

3. Leave Brochures at Local Businesses

While employees are walking the streets, they may encounter other businesses, such as hair salons and fitness centers, that allow visitors to leave marketing brochures. Some let you leave such information for free, but others may charge a nominal fee. Instruct employees to ask first.

4. Post Fliers

Institutions such as libraries, universities and apartment buildings often have bulletin boards where businesses can post information about services or events. Take advantage of such venues.

5. Host a Reception or Social Event

Street traditional marketing techniques don’t have to happen on the street. You can become the event by sponsoring a gathering at a restaurant or a similar venue. Socializing tends to put current customers and prospects in an approachable mood and gives you a chance to talk up your latest products or services.

6. Hold Information Sessions on Topics of Expertise

In a less social but more informative sense, you can position yourself as an expert on a given topic to market your business. For example, a home alarm system company could host a crime-prevention seminar. You might display product or service information at the session but not make a sales pitch.

7. Attend Small Business Seminars or Chamber of Commerce Meetings

If yours is a B2B company, these gatherings can be a great way to subtly publicize your services to other local businesses. Even if you sell directly to the public, you may be able to pick up some sales leads or at least get a better feel for your local economy.

Time is Now

There’s no denying the sea change in traditional marketing techniques over the past decade or two. Digital approaches are now dominant. But augmenting your online activities with some good old-fashioned legwork can help boost your success. For further information and ideas about growing your business and putting together a marketing budget, please contact our firm.